Is it really possible to cut costs and inefficiencies at the same time? Often, the answer is yes. Here are five common ways builders can become more efficient and save money to help reduce homebuilding cycle times.


Set a cutoff date for customer changes before your construction starts. The data shows this practice does not reduce customer satisfaction.

Avoid dry runs (and expensive foremen sent by your trades) by training your field team to share accurate status updates of every build, every day, with every stakeholder.

Improve your profit margin by tracking jobsite downtime and sharing “dollars lost” calculations with your entire team daily to incentivize prevention of future downtime days.


Request full-time vs contractor trade workers in your scope of work. Ad hoc subs of subs aren’t familiar enough with your builds to complete them without errors or overtime.

Identify the cause of each delay by communicating daily with all stakeholders – in-office and on-site. Is the site broom-clean and stocked with necessary materials when each trade arrives? Are they updating punch lists daily? Are they sharing a running history of callbacks to track causes and frequency?

Standardize crew practices by documenting and comparing late jobs with on-schedule jobs.


Prevent subcontractors from skipping days on-site by scheduling the minimum number of days required.

Remove excess lumber, drywall and trash to prevent construction pauses and crew risk by working with a supplier who guarantees on-time in-full deliveries.

Decrease the number of laborers – and hours – needed per day, on every jobsite, by leveraging prefabricated components like roof trusses, wall panels and open web floors.


Streamline each stage of your build – plan submission, homebuyer selections, design, estimates, supply orders, trade contracts, jobsite schedules, budgets and deliveries – in real time.

Store and review all your project documents in one place with real-time mark-up.

Engage buyers with configurable 3D plan visualizations so they can customize their dream home.

Collaborate with your trades, suppliers, supervisors, sales reps and customers from anywhere 24/7.


Check in regularly with superintendents, project managers, subcontractors and customers digitally in real time – they notice issues you may not.

Subscribe to blogs and podcasts of thought leaders to learn how to increase efficiency and avoid errors.

Request feedback and reviews from current satisfied homebuyers to help attract new ones.

Every builder’s situation is unique, and the experts at Builders FirstSource are available to help address the cycle issues you may be having. Call your local specialist today.

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